I Love Pinterest. So?

I got on facebook in 2006 (back when you had to have a .edu email to sign up) and even though I declared that I hated it at first, I secretly loved it. Same story with Twitter. I signed up shortly after they started, but didn't post a single tweet for two years because I thought it was dorky (I'm kind of glad about this - god knows what I would have tweeted about as a college freshman). But now I am unabashedly sharing my love of Pinterest. Do you like looking at pictures online? Do you like taking/drawing/making pictures? Do you like looking at magazines but not subscribing to them? I do. Pinterest is a limitless way to share political views, market, buy/sell (yes, you can add price tags to your pins), and of course, share recipes, images of domestic bliss, and fashion plates.

I mentioned to a coworker how much I loved Pinterest.

"Have you noticed how the demographic is 80% female?" he asked. I could tell by the tone of his voice that he meant to say, "have you noticed how the demographic is 80% stupid people?"

"Er," I said, thinking of ways to excuse my gender. It's true though - of the 91 people that I'm following, only 12 are guys. But so what? Even if it is a "girl's club" I still like looking at neatly sorted collections of pictures online. So far, most of my friends seem to be split between posting images of domestic bliss ("Hairstyles I want to try," "Perfect Desserts," "Easy Home D.Y.I") and feminist comics that make fun of images of domestic bliss. Some of girls post both, perhaps evidence of the confusing cultural pull on young women to be both "feminine" and feminist. Can you be both? Of course you can be! And can straight guys use Pinterest? Why the hell not?